Concepts for the expansion of water supply and sewage systems
Water supply network program
- updating schemes of existing water networks and mains
- analysis of the city’s water supply system and proposals for its expansion, including the location of measuring devices for the construction of DMA and PMA zones, air vents, pressure reducers
- proposals for new solutions
- descriptions based on local spatial development plans
- ideograms of water supply networks for networks not included in the currently valid water supply network expansion program
- other elements indicated by the Client
Program in the field of sanitary / rainwater / combined sewage systems
- updating the schemes of the existing networks with devices (pumping stations, settling tanks, storm overflows, flow regulators, rain gauges, pumping stations, division into catchments, retention reservoirs
- analysis of the sanitary / rainwater / combined sewage system and proposals for its expansion
and modernization, including proposals for the location of new sewage pumping stations along with the determination of their efficiency in relation to the catchment area - proposals for new solutions
- elaboration of sewerage network ideograms for areas not included in the local spatial development plans in the currently valid sewerage network expansion program
- analysis of the existing combined networks, determination of the target area served by the combined sewerage system and proposals for their separation
- proposals for new solutions, especially regarding rainwater retention in the city
- inclusion in the program of the arrangements contained in the Adaptation Plans to climate change, environmental impact forecasts, rainwater management programs
- analysis of floodplains, proposed solutions to the problem
- other elements indicated by the Client