Białystok University of Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
Department of Technology in Enviromental Engineering
WES | Water Energy Systems
4-6 June 2025, Supraśl, Poland
The purpose of the conference
The aim of the conference is to present the results of research, implementations and exchange experiences concerning advanced technologies and economic aspects in agricultural and industrial areas in the scope of:
water supply and treatment,
sewage removal and treatment systems and sludge management,
waste management,
air, water, acoustic climate and earth surface protection systems.
Forms of participation and presentation of works
papers in plenary and problem sections
promotional presentations of companies, exhibition of company stands, company advertisements.
costs of participation
payment by 15.02.2025 – 2,250 PLN (PLN 1,900 – students and PhD students) + PLN 400 when choosing a single room.
payment by 15.04.2025 – 2,500 PLN (PLN 2,200 – students and PhD students) + PLN 400 when choosing a single room.
Costs include: conference materials, 2 nights, full board, participation in events and accompanying attractions.
Limited number of participants. The order of applications and payments will be decisive.
The conference fee should be paid to the account:
WES Sp. z o.o. ul. Kołodziejska 29, 15-256 Białystok
62 1020 1332 0000 1202 1211 5251
The organizers provide for the publication of works after positive reviews in the journal:
Economics and Environment (100 MNiSW points, 1.0 IF),
Journal of Plant Protection (100 MNiSW points, 0.7 IF),
Journal of Ecological Engineering (70 MNiSW points, 1.3 IF),
Annual Set The Environment Protection (40 MNiSW points, 0.734 IF),
Information on the fees for publishing in individual journals is provided on the websites of the aforementioned publishers.
by 20.11.2024 – sending of registration forms by e-mail to:
by 20.01.2025 – sending of the abstract of the presentation in polish
01.2025 – Announcement II (detailed information about the conference will be provided)
by 15.02.2025 / 15.04.2025 – payment of fees by qualified conference participants
05.2025 – Announcement III
4-6.06.2025 – CONFERENCE
Organizational and substantive matters are handled by
Prof. Katarzyna Ignatowicz, DSc, PhD, Eng.
Department of Technology in Enviromental Engineering
Białystok University of Technology
ul. Wiejska 45a,15-351 Białystok, Poland
tel. +48 85 746 96 80, tel. kom. +48 797 995 917
Organizational and financial matters are handled by
Justyna Dąbrowska-Sadowska
WES Sp. z o.o. ׀ Water Energy Systems
ul. Kołodziejska 29, 15-256 Białystok, Poland
tel. kom. +48 518 823 715
download (in polish)
If You require announcement, application card and conference regulations in english, please contact us at: